5 Steps to Better Health in 2024

Combat depression.

These three ways might help:

  1. Consume high-quality omega-3 fatty acids. Your brain is 60% fat so you need a constant supply of omega-3 fatty acids in order for your brain to work properly. The best source is Krill oil, it has been found to be almost 50 times more potent than regular fish oil.
  2. Avoid sugar, sugar is the number one source of calories in the United States, sugar has a detrimental impact on brain function.
  3. Physical exercise is one of the best ways to prevent and treat depression because it makes you feel better about yourself and causes the release of endorphins.

Understanding why we overeat.

It has been documented via MRI that brain patterns differ when viewing foods we like as opposed to foods we do not like. Our body anticipates the food entering our system, which is why we salivate when we see a food we like. How many times have we eaten a bigger meal than we should have, but guess what, there’s still room for dessert.  This is often because our desire for sweets has not been satisfied.  Often our desire for sweets can be curbed with the addition of a fruit to our salad.  Once we smell food, insulin secretions are induced making us think we’re hungry.  Refined carbohydrates like pasta cause our body to crave food again within a few hours.  Carbohydrates cause blood sugar to drop after a spike, which causes us to be hungry again.

How can I stick with an exercise program?

Exercise doesn’t need to be performed in a single block of time in order for you to see results.  You can break up workouts like taking the stairs at work, and parking farther away from where you are going.  You can potentially burn just as many calories during the day doing this as you would at the gym.  Most people start an exercise program and are far too overzealous in the beginning.  Start off small there is no need to get so sore or burned out in the beginning,  it only leads to the individual starting to despise their workouts and ultimately leads to them quitting.

Increase your flexibility.

Flexibility causes increased circulation, improved posture, better coordination, and stress relief. There are five components to physical fitness:

  1. Muscular strength
  2. Muscular endurance
  3. Cardio respiratory endurance
  4. Body composition
  5. Flexibility

What is wellness?

Wellness is defined as a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in individual as exemplified by quality-of-life and a sense of well-being.  Wellness is an active process of becoming aware and making choices toward a more successful existence.  The process:  improvement is always possible.   To be aware: continuously seeking information about improving.  Choices: consider a variety of options and select those in your best interest. Success: determined by each individual to be his or her collection of life accomplishments.