New Patients

As new patients at our clinic, you will be welcomed by our warm, friendly, and compassionate staff, ready to assist you through every step of your visit. From guiding you through the initial paperwork to offering help as needed, we ensure a smooth and comfortable start to your chiropractic journey. Upon completing the paperwork, our doctor will meet you and escort you to the examination room.

Many people may not realize that chiropractors are highly trained professionals, equipped to diagnose and treat conditions related to the musculoskeletal and neurological systems. Our rigorous education includes 7 years of specialized training, preparing us to address a wide range of health issues effectively.

The diagnostic process begins with a detailed intake form, allowing us to gather comprehensive information about your past health issues, such as illnesses, injuries, surgeries, accidents, and hospitalizations. This initial step is crucial for understanding the signs and symptoms affecting your daily activities, setting the stage for a thorough physical examination.

Our physical exams start with basic vital signs—height, weight, and blood pressure—followed by a hands-on chiropractic assessment. We utilize palpation to evaluate joint movement, positioning, spinal curvature, and tenderness. Our office employs a computerized system to enhance the accuracy and comfort of the palpation process.

Muscle assessments include checking for symmetry, tightness, weakness, and tenderness. We also measure your range of motion to identify any limitations in the concerned areas. Nerve function is evaluated through skin sensations, reflexes, and muscle strength tests, similar to those used by orthopedic doctors.

If necessary, X-rays are conducted after the initial paperwork, consultation, and exam to further diagnose your condition. When appropriate, treatment may begin on your first visit, tailored to your specific needs and lasting about 15-20 minutes without discomfort. At the end of your session, we’ll provide home care instructions and schedule a follow-up to discuss the doctor’s findings.

Welcome to a new patient experience designed around your health and comfort, ensuring you receive the best care tailored to your needs from the moment you step into our clinic.

If you have any questions regarding your first visit, please don’t hesitate to call us at (704) 322-4700.